Body Language Expert | Motivational Speaker | Keynote Speaker | Communication Expert | Presentation & Speaking Skills Trainer | One-On-One Coach

Four Articles Published in The Toronto Sun

Patti Wood is quoted in these four articles published in The Toronto Sun.

Take her quiz on “Body Honesty”.


The Toronto Sun,  Friday, July 23, 2004

© Copyright 2004, Sun Media Corporation




WE'RE CONSTANTLY fascinated by tales of moral bankruptcy. Recurrent reports of greed and deceit mesmerize us, and denials of wrongdoing echo over and over again in corporate America. Witness the lurid details of the Martha Stewart trial and Ken Lay's involvement in Enron.

Finger-pointing, bald-faced lies, intellectual depravity. And that's just for starters! "There's so much lying going on all around us -- we've lost our morals and values," says New York psychologist Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil. "The lying that goes on in the business arena alone is representative of what is going on in society. "It started with the Clinton era, continued with the Bush election and so on."

Eaker Weil says that people have come to believe that lying, in order to attain financial reward and power, is acceptable: "It's an entitlement. We've become a society of narcissists. It's all about greed - people are overcompensating for the terror and uncertainty and are trying to get rid of an emptiness. Money is viewed as a comfort."

According to experts, lies surround us -- "but there are good lies and bad lies," stresses Eaker Weil. "White lies are fine because they prevent hurt because honesty can be cruelty. Lies are wrong when it's done for their own selfish gain and create pain and hurt -- like innocent people losing their pensions or infidelity."

And, say the experts, we all fib. Up to 500 white lies a day, says Patti Wood. "We lie to have smooth social interaction, have people like us and to get away with things," says Wood, an Atlanta-based body language expert. Lying, in general, has become much more acceptable, says Wood. "It's scary how our culture is rationalizing and justifying serious lying. It breaks down the social structure and makes us feel that we can't trust anyone." Wood says research reveals "college age people are more likely to lie and justify it. Eighty percent feel justified to lie on a resume by padding it. In the '60s, only 10% felt that was an okay thing to do. There's been a big cultural change in what is viewed as acceptable."

Wood, who was asked by ABC and CBS news to analyze Gary Condit during the infamous Connie Chung interview, conducts seminars on Body Honesty: How to Spot a Liar in order to recognize deception cues as well as establish credibility through body language. Losing credibility can be disastrous, she says. "In the most important interview of their careers, Gary Condit sucked in his lips and stuck out his tongue, Bill Clinton touched his nose about every four minutes and Enron's Ken Lay over-acted and was overconfident,' says Wood, adding that all these are nonverbal cues of deception and crushed their credibility.

"You can send and receive up to 10,000 nonverbal cues in less than one minute of interaction," she says. "... These cues give the most accurate indication of a person's truest emotions and can reveal most accurately when someone is lying." A liar leaks out cues from the eyes, head, voice and hands, she says, adding that 80% of lies go undetected. Many people think they're good at detecting lies, but they're not, and most of us actually incorrectly interpret nervousness cues as lying. Wood says true deception cues include a higher pitched voice, more pauses when speaking and 64% less body movement -- "as people try to control the lie from coming out." On the other hand, common honesty signs include synchronicity -- words, voice and body language are all in sync, says Wood.

Dr. Alan Hirsch has researched deception signs for the past 17 years and has come up with a list of 23 signs of lying in order to help the medical profession detect truthfulness. He says anyone can become "a human lie detector" by using his signs, including cuing into his "Pinocchio phenomenon" -- engorgement of the nasal erectile tissue which leads to a liar rubbing and scratching his nose.

Hirsch, a neurologist and psychiatrist from Chicago, became interested in lying while researching odour and sexual arousal at the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago. He says that within the first three minutes of meeting someone, deceit can be determined -- unless they're a sociopath and there's no guilt present.


NEUROLOGIST Dr. Alan Hirsch's research has turned up 23 signs of lying. But, he cautions, stress alone may generate lying signs and make someone appear guilty. So be sure to compare a high stress time to one when lying is suspected.


- QUALIFIERS: Liars tend to use words such as "not necessarily," "but," "however," "generally," and "basically."

- EXPANDED CONTRACTIONS: Liars tend to emphasize the "not," for example, that they were "not" involved -- as in could not, would not, etc.

- DENIALS OF LYING: "The liar denies lying and emphasizes the truthfulness of his answers," says Hirsch; e.g. "to tell you the truth," "believe me," and "honestly."

- SPEECH ERRORS: Watch for grammatical errors and changes of thought in midsentence.

- PAUSE FILLERS: Listen for lots of "uhs," "ers," "ums," and "ahs."

- STUTTERING: "The liar becomes tongue-tied, stammers and stutters," says Hirsch.

- THROAT CLEARING: Liars tend to throat clear, moan, groan and grunt.


- LESS FINGER POINTING: There's a lack of pointing or of raising a single finger to illustrate a point.

- LIAR'S LEAN: "The liar tends to lean forward, resting elbows on knees or a table, constantly changing posture or position in a chair."

- LIP LICKING: Increased frequency.

- LIP PUCKERING: "Tightening the mouth as though to let nothing get out," says Hirsch.

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- DRINKING: Increase in drinking and swallowing.

- SMILING: Watch for more smiles and inappropriate laughter.

- HAND GESTURES: Liars use fewer hand gestures.

- GROOMING: Increased touching of the face, ears and hair.

- SIGHS: Increased sighs or deep breaths.

- HAND AND SHOULDER SHRUGS: Flipping the hands with the palms up and shrugging the shoulders.

- HANDLING OBJECTS: Toying with objects such as eyeglasses, pen, paper, etc.

- AVERTING GAZE: "Looking away, to the side or down after having made eye contact."

- BLINKING: Liars tend to blink less often.

- CROSSING ARMS: Folding the arms across the chest as if to create a barrier.

- CLOSING HANDS: Holding either hand in a fist or interlocking fingers together of both hands.

- TOUCHING NOSE: Scratching, touching or rubbing the nose.


Can you spot a liar? Test your skill with this multiple choice deception quiz from Patti Wood, a body language expert and professional speaker from Atlanta.


    a. will answer questions quickly and give longer answers.

    b. will spend less time gesturing.

    c. will have a longer pauses and shorter answers.


    a. facial expressions.

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    b. the body.

    c. the eyes.


    a. be relaxed.

    b. hold a steady posture without a lot of extraneous movement.

    c. match your body language to whatever you are saying.


    a. loosely at your sides or with one hand in your pocket.

    b. clasped loosely in front of you.

    c. palms open.


    a. Leaning toward the interviewer.

    b. Leaning back, relaxed, with your hands clasped behind your head.

    c. Wearing a suit and tie and sitting behind a desk.


    a. Hold it still.

    b. Maintain a slight small smile.

    c. Be careful of pursing or licking your lips.


1. Answer is c. Liars have longer pauses, shorter answers and longer times between a question and a response than someone who is merely nervous.

2. Answer is b. Our faces and eyes hide the truth more easily than the rest of the body. The body, especially the lower portion, is under less conscious control.

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3. Answer is c. Your body language needs to match what you're saying.

4. Answer is c. Keep your palms open. Rehearsed liars tend to keep their hands, especially the palms, hidden and still. Loosely at your sides is all right.

5. Answer is a. Leaning toward the interviewer with an open body makes you appear open and interested. Liars tend to close entrances to the body to hide the truth.

6. Answer is c. Be careful of pursing or licking our lips. A smile is the most common facial expression used to mask emotions.

For Wood's complete analysis, check out Body Honesty at

© Copyright 2004, The Toronto Sun Unauthorized reproduction or Web posting prohibited.

The Toronto Sun  Friday, April 16, 2004

© Copyright 2004, Sun Media Corporation



WILL HE be a dud or a stud? Well, don't wait until the two of you slip between the sheets to find out if it'll be a sizzle-fest or snore-fest. According to the experts, there are telltale signs that will give you a reading on his bedtime behaviour -- way before the lights go out. "You have a tremendous edge when you meet a potential lover for the first time. The way he behaves in all kinds of everyday situations will give you a remarkably prescient picture of what he's going to be like when it comes to making love," says sexpert and author Graham Masterton.

Hey, just check out his sandwich: "A man can reveal his sexual sophistication (or the lack of it) by something as insignificant as the filling he prefers for his sandwiches. If you're looking for unusual sex, take a peek in his lunch-bag -- if it's peanut butter on white bread, make your excuses and leave. He will be on top every time, and he will

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never bother to find out if he's satisfied you," says Masterton, UK author of Wild Sex for New Lovers (Signet).

Body language expert Patti Wood agrees there are ways to read a man, including whether he'll wow you in bed, "but remember, they are more indicators than certainties." So see if you're in for libido letdown:


THE MOST obvious giveaway to a man's opinion of his own sexual prowess is his automobile and the way he drives it, says Masterton. "His car tells you what a man fantasizes about himself ... look at the wildly disproportionate number of balding late middle-aged men driving Ferraris and other vehicular penis-substitutes." A red-hot sports car is all about sexual display. It betrays self-obsession and a lack of confidence -- "so long as he's having a good time, he's not interested in what you want and what you need," he says.

According to Masterton, "a man who is really confident about his love-making abilities will drive a car that is stylish and luxurious but discreet -- "he's concerned about the comfort of his passengers." And, he adds, beware the impatient driver who's forever leaning on his horn and screaming obscenities. "They will make love in exactly the same way they drive: Always rushing to get where they're going, regardless of anybody else."

Meanwhile, Wood says to examine whether he takes direction well or is there a high need to control? Expect the same in bed, says Wood, a behaviour expert based in Atlanta. "If he's insensitive to your concerns, like speeding, then you can be sure the same will apply during sex." Oh, another thing -- car care: If he's driving a beat-up wreck that's in total disrepair, you can bet he won't take much better care of you, says Wood, adding that a car's condition also reflects how a man truly feels about himself.


ACCORDING TO WOOD, it's not so much what he eats, but how he eats that offer clues to his sexual style. "If he loves food and savours it and makes yummy noises, then he savours sex, too -- food and sex are very related." But remember, she says, his keenness may not reflect his skill level, just his own personal enjoyment.

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According to Masterton, food speaks volumes: "If he wolfs down everything in sight and barely bothers to chew it, then you'll know for sure that's how he's going to treat your lovemaking. He wants immediate gratification, and he doesn't care what his food tastes like or how much work went into preparing it. So long as his belly's full, he's happy." And beware the prissy eater -- the man who eats barbecue ribs with a knife and fork. "The best lovers eat wholeheartedly, with relish, and they always ask if you're enjoying your meal, too," he adds.

GASP ...

WORKING OUT is usually a sign of good things to come: "A man needs to be reasonably fit to be a good lover. You don't want to find yourself lying next to a gasping red-faced wreck every time you make love," says Masterton. Exercise will give him the staying power in bed, and the strength to try all kinds of interesting positions. "But there's exercise, and exercise. Some men take it to extremes, jogging and bench-pressing and weight-lifting for hours every week, and that kind of self-absorption is the enemy of sharing, creative sex.

"Good sex is all about caring what your partner is feeling, and you should be cautious of any man who shows signs of loving himself more than anybody else," says Masterton, whose new book Up All Night (Signet) is due out next month. "Team players almost always make better lovers, because they're trained to be alert to the needs of other people and they're always looking for a fresh opportunity."


IT'S THE everyday things that count when it comes to compatibility, says Dr. Leslie Pam. "If he's sensitive, a good listener, feelingful, and responsive to your needs, that's what good chemistry in and out of the bedroom is all about," says Pam, an L.A. psychologist. If a man makes an effort to make you feel desirable in everyday company, then that is an indication that he is going to be appreciative and considerate in bed, say the experts.

Author Graham Masterton agrees: "If he is polite, keeps good eye contact, and if he constantly anticipates what you might need -- another drink? door open for you? -- then he is likely to be sensitive to what you need between the sheets." This rule is not entirely infallible, says Masterton, "since some men who find you really desirable may react by appearing to be stand-offish only because they often lack the confidence to show their true feelings and, deep down, are often intimidated by attractive women."


"THE AMOUNT of time he spends on kissing is the amount of time he'll spend on foreplay. Kissing is indicative of playfulness, imaginativeness, willingness, tenderness,"says Wood. "Kissing and foreplay are mirror images." According to Masterton, "it's surprising how many men are appallingly bad kissers. That's because they don't follow my golden rule of trying to put themselves into the woman's place. How would they like to be dribbled on?" Kissing is all about stages, he adds: "Testing, tempting, trying things out."


"THIS CAN really fool you because this is more of a reflection of how he wants to be seen rather than what he's really like," says Wood. On the other hand, "if he pays attention to how you dress and compliments something specific, like your hair or shoes, then he'll probably pay attention to you in the bedroom too."

Masterton has his own thoughts on this one: "A scruffy man will be just as scruffy in bed, but don't think that a man who always wears designer labels will be a skillful and considerate lover. "Men who tend to overdress in ostentatious clothes are often extremely vain, immature and selfish -- everything they do is for show, and that includes the way they make love, so they will be much more interested in what you think of their technique than what their technique is doing for you.

"Surprisingly, formal dressers often make the best lovers because they are conscious of appearing smart and attractive and want to make a good impression. A formal dresser will put you and your desires first." But make sure he's not too formal, adds Masterton, or you might find him stuffy and unimaginative in bed.


JUST WHAT kind of lover will he be? You don't need the services of a psychic to find out, according to a recent article in Glamour magazine, entitled 99 Ways to Read a Man. Here are Glamour magazine's seven signs he'll be a deadbeat in bed:

1. He wears leopard-print bikini underwear or, God forbid, a man thong.

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2. You kiss him and, well, nothing.

3. At dinner, after the main course, he excuses himself to floss.

4. He reads Penthouse Forum for ideas.

5. There's a picture of his mother on his bed stand.

6. He has an annoying habit of interrupting your stories to tell his.

7. He believes "let's do it" qualifies as seduction.


ALCOHOL is the enemy of good sex, at least as far as men are concerned, so avoid menwho drink to excess, stresses Masterton. "No matter how worldly-wise and attractive they seem to be, men like these will eventually drag you into a world of hangovers and snoring and not much sex."

Martini drinkers maker terrible lovers because inebriation comes quickly: "They will be very bad-tempered in the mornings, and if they can't perform in bed they will inevitably blame you, just like they blame the rest of the world for everything that's gone wrong in their lives," says Masterton. "Beer drinkers are much better adjusted, and much more sociable, but they do tend to be socially and sexually immature, and lack sexual sophistication, and more annoyingly, they tend to make multiple treks to the bathroom." He says lovers of dry white wines make creative and sensitive lovers, and will give you some very intense experiences; while men who prefer richer, deeper reds will be strong, passionate and long lasting.

Try to find a man who enjoys a drink in moderation: "After all, he's supposed to be looking after you, and if he can't take care of you in a bar, how can he take care of you in bed?

The Toronto Sun  Thursday, March 25, 2004

© Copyright 2004, Sun Media Corporation




Wanna know more about that cute new colleague you spotted at the morning meeting?  Well read his lips -- better yet, check out his chew IQ. More revealing than the eyes or uttered words or even style of dress, how you chew says a lot about you, according to body language expert Patti Wood.

Is he a rule follower or rule maker? Homebody or party animal? A thinker or a doer? Attention seeker or solitude seeker? It's all in the mouth, says Wood, who maintains that how and what you chew can be a good indicator of personality type. "Forget psychology and astrology - try chewology to discover someone's true personality," says Wood, a non-verbal communication and behaviour expert based in Atlanta.


"When people reach for something to satisfy their craving to chew -- whether it's a straw, the end of a pen, the stem on a pair of glasses, a fingernail, an eraser, cigarette, cigar, snuff or a piece of gum -- they are sending silent signals," says Wood, who's also a motivational speaker. According to Wood, the mouth is a focal point when conversing -- in social interactions we spend more than 80% of our time focused on the face, especially the mouth, and the other 20% looking at the rest of the person's body. "The face is also the most reliable indicator of someone's emotions.

The mouth can be a great indicator of a person's current level of self-esteem and self-confidence," says Wood. So, when clued in, you can pick up on some of these

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chewingcues to read emotional states, says Wood, who admits she's a noisy chewer, which indicates a boisterous and motivated type. "It's always fascinated me how many different chewing behaviours there are," says Wood, whose specialty is first impressions, and gender-based differences in communication and body language.

Wood, who has also studied sneezing styles and is now researching handshakes, teamed up with an independent research firm commissioned by Wrigley's to research what chewing habits are all about; more than 1,000 individuals were polled. Although there are numerous chewing choices out there, she says, when it comes to satisfying the urge to chew, most people reach for chewing gum -- 75% of chewers choose gum versus pens, pencils, straws and fingernails.


And people chew for a variety of reasons, but stress is a main motivator. According to Wood, when anxiety is on the attack, "chewing charges us up and makes us feel better. When we are stressed, we tend to tighten our muscles, including those that help us breath, so we take in less oxygen. When we take in less oxygen we have less glucose. Chewing on anything tricks our glands. The chomping action of our jaw makes our mouth water, and fools our glands into expecting the next meal, and they release a surge of insulin. The increase in heartbeat increases oxygen and glucose to our brain. The greater the oxygen, the better we feel."

Not only does it make us feel better, studies indicate other benefits, including increased memory and learning capabilities: "Chewing gum increases your heart rate to that of your heart rate when you're walking, so it can keep you awake and energized," says Wood, author of Success Signals (Another Day Publishing). Plus, research from the Speed Learning Institute shows that gum chewers increase their reading speed up to 15%. So be forgiving of that loud gum chomper beside you - maybe he's actually preparing for a test. Or just out to take on the world.



Take body language expert Patti Wood's quiz to find out what your chewing style says about you. Wood provided a condensed and revamped Chew IQ Quiz just for Sun readers; for the full, unabridged quiz and a more precise character analysis, check out the Wrigley's site at wrigley/products/quiz.asp or


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1.Which of the following describes the way you chew gum?

    a. Snapping and cracking

    b. Blowing bubbles

    c. Slow

    d. Silent and discrete

2. Which of the following do you think is the most true for you about chewing gum?

    a. It eases my tension

    b. It tides me over between meals or when I can't eat

    c. It freshens my breath

    d. None of the above

3. When do you most often chew gum?

    a. When other people offer it to me

    b. After a meal

    c. While driving

    d. At work or school

4. You chew pencils, straws or your nails most when you are:

    a. Stressed out

    b. Tired

    c. Bored

    d. Need to concentrate

    e. None of the above

5. Whatever I choose to chew, pencils, pens, straws, paper cups, my nails or gum, my chewing style is:

    a. Animated and energetic

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    b. Steady and methodical

    c. Forceful and conquering

    d. Reserved and conservative

    e. Does not apply



If you picked mostly a, then you are a PERSUADER: You are a leader and influencer. You want to be noticed and appreciated for your ideas and what you do. You are spontaneous and live life to the fullest. You don't like to waste your time or energy on boring details. You are boisterous, imaginative, playful. You love to share a good story or a bit of humour and will do so with energy and drama. Your enthusiasm is contagious and you get the party going. You enjoy a good conversation whether it is on the phone, over dinner or out socializing.

If you picked mostly b, then you're a HELPER: You are warm and friendly and like a relaxed pace. The most important thing in your life is your relationships with others. You will work to avoid conflict and get along, even making personal sacrifices to do so. You are loyal, calm and dependable. People say you are a good listener, though sometimes you feel interrupted by others. You are helpful, supportive and nurturing of others -- in fact, you are the glue that keeps groups and families together. You are the shoulder to cry on and the one who remembers birthdays. You look carefully before taking action. You go behind the scenes to finish projects for others.

If you picked mostly c, then you're a DOER: You get things done. Your lifestyle is fast paced and you are always on the go. At home you wash the dishes, take out the trash, fix dinner and do laundry, all while talking on the phone. Why do one thing when you can do four? You like to get things done and then move on. You take command and solve problems quickly. You are fast, decisive and to the point. You are a winner; you gain energy from being in charge and meeting challenges. You are forceful and commanding and work to get things accomplished.

If you picked mostly d or e, then you're an ANALYZER: You get things right. You are smart, careful, and accurate. A deep thinker, you consider things before you speak. You are detailed and precise and catch mistakes that others miss. You have great insights and opinions, but you don't always get a chance to express them. You like to read books that make you think. You like to work by yourself and relax at home, because you enjoy solitude. You take your time, play by the rules and wish others would do the same. You have a place for everything and that makes your life organized and easy. People consider you a serious person, but you do see and create humour in things that others might miss.

Note: If you have a mixture of letters, then you enjoy having the benefits and talents of more than one personality.

© Copyright 2004, The Toronto Sun Unauthorized reproduction or Web posting prohibited.

The Toronto Sun  Thursday, March 25, 2004

© Copyright 2004, Sun Media Corporation



WHAT: Chewing on certain items can send signals about what's going on inside. Check it out:

Gum -- happy or bored

Ice -- frustration

Eraser -- wants to erase what's going on

Straw -- playfulness

Stem of eye glasses -- nervousness, anxiety, desire to delay response to question, thinking

Fingernail -- a form of "self beating" nervousness; social anxiety if done in public

Lip -- high-energy outlet, nervousness

Cigarette, cigar -- sexual tension, stress

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WHEN: According to body-language expert Patti Wood's research, 75% of us choose gum when the chewing urge hits. Of that number, 30% claim to be social chewers -- either enjoying a piece while hanging out with friends or when someone offers them a piece; 22% chew at work or school; 18% chew while driving.

WHY: Nearly half (44%) chew gum to banish bad breath; 30% chew because they enjoy the flavour and taste, or crave something sweet; 15% chew to combat stress and boredom.

HOW: 39% describe their chewing style as silent and discrete; 22% gum chewers label themselves as slow chewers; 15% percent admit to snapping and cracking their gum.

© Copyright 2004, The Toronto Sun Unauthorized reproduction or Web posting prohibited.