Body Language Expert | Motivational Speaker | Keynote Speaker | Communication Expert | Presentation & Speaking Skills Trainer | One-On-One Coach

Body Politics:
How to Deal With and Prevent Sexual Harassment

We hear more about gender-based conflicts in the workplace as women and men relate to each other in new ways. Words and phrases come to mind like: “Glass Ceiling,” “Good ‘Ole Boy Network,” “Gamesmanship,” and of course, “Sexual Harassment.” It’s all rather confusing. The lament is “Why do I feel so used, frustrated, and misunderstood by the opposite sex?” Wouldn’t it be nice if there were some place to get some answers? Well, this is the place.

This workshop provides answers to these and other gender-based questions, such as: “Why do men and women behave so differently?” “What are the differences that create problems?” “What can I do to create equal power and influence while having more understanding of another’s needs?”

In Body Politics, you’ll learn about the power differential—the effect of gender-based listening modes, subtle differences in everything from smiles and eye contact to space and touching, and the new rules of business etiquette for old standards like handshakes and greetings and pats on the back.

Body Politics is an eye-opening, ear-widening, “Aha!” experience.


  • Develop awareness of how verbal and nonverbal communication is interpreted by members of the opposite gender. 
  • Define and understand traditional gender-based power differentials.
  • Develop awareness of new, non-gender-based business etiquette.
  • Identify and understand the effects of gender differences in listening and speaking.
  • Identify and understand the effects of gender-based differences in non-verbal communication.
  • Practice methods for effectively dealing with sexual harassment.
  • Practice methods for effective conflict management and change in behaviors.

Session Format: A 90-minute, experiential learning session using current resources, exercises and humor.

Body Politics Content Outline

I.       Introduction         First Impressions
         Group Activities: “When I First Met You” and “Care Values.”
         Gender—based inferences
         What you can take away to use from this program
         What kind of issues might arise for you in this program?
         The Business Etiquette of Greetings
         Group Activity: “Handshakes—From Wimpy to Bone Crusher”

II.      The Big Picture 
         The Power Differential
         The Way We Were Raised

III.     Sexual Harassment: What the Law Says/A specific definition

IV.     “Can We Talk” Equals?         Group Activity: “Talking Circles”
         Gender-based listening mode differences
         Gender-based speaking mode differences
         Jokes and Innuendo
         Group Activity: “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood”

IV.     The Hidden Message: Non-verbal, power-based differences 

         Group Activity:      “Eye Contact”
         Group Activity: “Smiles Territory”
         Paired Activity: “The Big Three—Space, Windows, and Tension”

VI.     Conflict Resolution Paired Activity: “The E.R.A.S.E.R. Method”
         Paired Activity: “Communicating What You Want to Have Happen”
         Paired Activity: “Self/Partner Observation”

VII.    What Do I Do Next? 

         Body Politics Teaching Methodologies

Interactive Learning:

Participants are encouraged to contribute their views and perspectives, giving examples of when they observed these gender-based differences in themselves and others, and how it impacts their image, self-esteem, working relationships, office politics, and their life in general.


Each segment of the program actively engages the participants in reflection and practice.


Data based on research, personal experiences, and work-related examples are employed to ensure understanding and applicability.

Visual Aids:

Overheads, flip charts, and participant activities.

Written Aids:

“First Impressions,” “Self/Partner Observation,” “The E.R.A.S.E.R. Method,” and various articles on sexual harassment.

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